Will I Have A Smaller Appetite After Tummy Tuck Surgery?

By: Dr. Sean Kelishadi, M.D. FACS


With the dramatic changes that can be made to a patient’s midsection during tummy tuck surgery, many men and women wonder how their stomach will feel and whether they’ll eat less – and lose weight – after their procedure. It is important for patients to understand that tummy tuck surgery is not designed as a weight loss procedure, nor is it considered an appetite suppressant. However, some patients may, in fact, experience a temporarily decreased appetite after tummy tuck surgery. Review the information below from Newport Beach board-certified plastic surgeon and body contouring expert Dr. Sean Kelishadi to gain a better understanding of how tummy tuck surgery may or may not affect your appetite and eating habits.

Can a tummy tuck help me lose weight?

While liposuction is often combined with the tummy tuck to address stubborn pockets of fatty tissue, it is critical that patients considering a tummy tuck understand that the procedure is not a substitute for diet, exercise, or weight loss surgery. In fact, ideal candidates for tummy tuck surgery should already be at or near their goal weight.

With that said, many patients do lose a small amount of weight following tummy tuck surgery, which is often associated with the excess skin and other tissue being removed during the procedure. Additionally, getting rid of loose, cumbersome skin with a tummy tuck can make it much easier and more comfortable for patients to participate in physical activities and exercise. This leads many men and women to begin or resume a more dedicated fitness regimen after tummy tuck surgery, which may further their weight loss efforts.

Will my stomach be smaller after a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty surgery does not impact the size of the stomach or intestines themselves. Instead, the tummy tuck is used to address a number of cosmetic and structural concerns that typically result from aging, pregnancy, and weight loss, including:

  • Loose skin
  • Hanging skin
  • Sagging skin
  • Lower belly pooch
  • Separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti)
  • Stretch marks
  • Stubborn fat

By removing loose skin, reinforcing the ab muscles, and tightening the remaining skin, tummy tuck surgery gives patients a strikingly smooth, natural-looking new contour.

Will I have to eat less after a tummy tuck?

Again, the tummy tuck does not alter the size or capacity of the true stomach in the way that a lap band or other weight loss procedure does. However, many patients experience a tight or constricted feeling almost immediately after tummy tuck surgery, which can be attributed to their sutures, tighter skin, reinforced muscles, postoperative swelling, and other factors. This often makes it uncomfortable to eat a large meal, with some patients reporting a decreased appetite overall. In the majority of cases, this temporary side effect of tummy tuck surgery resolves within about 3 – 6 weeks or less, and patients can return to their normal eating habits.

Even when your appetite returns after tummy tuck surgery, it is important to maintain a stable weight through a consistent, healthy diet and routine exercise in order to preserve your cosmetic results over time.

See yourself as slim and sexy with a life-changing tummy tuck in Orange County, CA

Have you done everything possible to transform your figure but still have stubborn fat and loose abdominal skin that won’t seem to budge? If so, you may be a candidate for tummy tuck surgery. To start your journey toward a whole new you, call SSK Plastic Surgery to schedule your private consultation for a tummy tuck in Newport Beach, CA with award-winning board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.