The Popularity of the Brazilian Butt Lift
Looking to enhance the cleavage on your backside? Thanks to tight fitting clothes and trends in fashion, women in Orange County have been turning to gluteoplasty, advertised to the public as a Brazilian Butt Lift. With the mainstream appeal of celebrities with "big" butts like Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, women want to emulate the way they look.
Putting fashion and celebrities aside, there’s another point to consider: Male attraction. Many men appreciate the results of a Brazilian butt lift in Orange County—just as men have for centuries. Why? It’s hardwired into guys. Their attraction to your posterior is for the same reason they’re attracted to full breasts, and hips, and a small waist: because those traits would have been indicators of fertility to your ancient ancestors.
It’s true: Men can’t help admiring a full and shapely behind, because it’s a signal that your fuller figure means you could become pregnant and carry his child.
And just why is the procedure called the “Brazilian” butt lift? Well, statistically speaking, more than half of South American men prefer a full behind over full breasts. The trend started down there, and is increasing in popularity in the U.S.
So whether you want fuller buttocks to emulate a celebrity, or simply to fill out your favorite jeans, it looks like the Brazilian butt lift is here to stay.