My Breast Implants Are Uneven. Can A Breast Revision Help?

By: Dr. Sean Kelishadi, M.D. FACS


While perfect symmetry is almost never found in the human body, it is often considered a hallmark of beauty and something many people strive for. Subtle differences between the eyes and other features may not be noticeable to others, but when it comes to the breasts, asymmetry can be more apparent. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi and the award-winning team at SSK Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA understand the impact that breast asymmetry can have on a woman’s confidence and self-esteem, and are committed to helping patients restore a more natural-looking figure through the most advanced breast revision techniques available. Discover more about breast revision surgery here, including how it can be useful when your breast implants appear uneven.

Why are my breast implants uneven?

There are a number of potential scenarios that can result in breast implant asymmetry. In some cases, surgical error is responsible for breast asymmetry, while other patients simply experience natural changes in their breasts over time. The most common causes of implant asymmetry include:

  • Natural anatomy
  • Age-related changes
  • Weight fluctuation/pregnancy after breast augmentation
  • Surgical error
  • Implant complication/compromise
  • Poor healing/postoperative complication

Patients should keep in mind that even with the most skilled surgeon, perfect symmetry between the breasts is not guaranteed with breast augmentation. However, the majority of patients are overwhelmingly satisfied with their results and have only subtle asymmetries that are not particularly noticeable to others. For women who do experience significant implant asymmetry, a breast revision can likely help.

What is breast revision surgery?

Breast revision surgery is a complex and highly personalized procedure that aims to correct a wide array of breast implant concerns, including breast size, shape, symmetry, and more. During breast revision surgery in Newport Beach, Dr. Kelishadi uses the most advanced and cutting-edge tools, technologies, and techniques available to ensure the safest procedure and most aesthetically pleasing results possible. Because each woman’s anatomy and concerns are unique, Dr. Kelishadi takes great care to customize every breast revision procedure to match the patient’s individual needs and goals. Breast implant complications that can be dramatically improved or corrected with breast revision surgery include:

  • Surgical error
  • Implant rupture
  • Implant displacement
  • Bottoming out
  • Breast implant asymmetry
  • Uneven breasts
  • Sagging breast implants
  • Age-related changes
  • Trauma/injury
  • Inverted nipples
  • Implant rippling

During your initial consultation, Dr. Kelishadi will carefully examine your breasts, discuss your concerns, and explain how breast revision may be able to help you achieve a more desirable look.

Will my breasts be symmetric after breast revision surgery?

Using specialized tools and techniques, along with exceptional skill and artistry, Dr. Kelishadi is capable of giving breast revision patients a much more symmetric, natural, attractive figure. Each procedure may include skin removal, lifting, tissue remodeling, fat grafting, implant replacement, and other methods to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing result possible. However, it is also important for patients considering breast revision surgery to have realistic expectations for their results and understand that perfect symmetry may not be possible in every case. Still, Dr. Kelishadi will use every tool available to help women achieve a more feminine, even, appealing new look they can be proud of.

Regain your confidence and restore your feminine figure with breast revision surgery in Newport Beach, CA

There’s no denying that a woman’s breasts play a large role in her overall sense of self and feeling of femininity. When the breasts are uneven or asymmetric, it is understandable for her to feel self-conscious. Fortunately, breast revision surgery can help correct breast implant changes and complications to restore a more natural, beautiful, youthful figure and help women regain the confidence they deserve. To find out whether breast revision may be right for you, call SSK Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA to schedule your one-on-one consultation or virtual appointment with internationally recognized board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.