How Long Can It Take to See Liposuction Results?

By: Dr. Sean Kelishadi, M.D. FACS


If you're thinking about getting liposuction at SSK Plastic Surgery, you're probably excited to see the changes in your body. Dr. Sean Kelishadi is known for helping patients achieve the look they want. However, getting liposuction is a big decision, and it’s important to know that seeing the end results takes time. Schedule a consultation at our Newport Beach, CA, office to learn more about liposuction and see if it’s right for you.

What happens right after liposuction?

Following liposuction, it's crucial to allow your body time to recover. Swelling and bruising are the body's natural response to the procedure and can initially hide the changes you're excited to see. Dr. Kelishadi provides exceptional post-operative care and guidance, ensuring that each patient understands the importance of the healing phase. Your body is working to adapt to its new shape, and your compliance with the recommended care plan is key to achieving the best lipo results possible.

When does the swelling start to subside?

As the swelling begins to diminish, usually a few weeks into the post-operative phase, glimpses of your new figure will start to appear. This is an exciting time as you start to see the fruits of your decision slowly come to life. However, full liposuction results may take up to several months to materialize as your body meticulously finalizes its new contours. Dr. Kelishadi monitors this progression closely, ensuring that concerns are addressed promptly for a smooth and satisfying transformation. The gradual unveiling of your body's changes can be a period of rejuvenation, encouraging patience and self-care as you transition to optimal results.

Are there ways to support healing?

To facilitate the best possible healing after your liposuction, Dr. Kelishadi offers comprehensive advice and support. Some common suggestions include:

  • Adhere strictly to the post-operative instructions provided by our Newport Beach team
  • Ensure proper nutrition and hydration to promote healing from within
  • Avoid nicotine and alcohol, as these can hinder the healing process

It's also critical to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments at SSK Plastic Surgery to track your healing progress. Dr. Kelishadi's post-op care is designed to not only support your physical healing but also to provide reassurance and emotional support as your body transitions. The entire team is dedicated to making your recovery as comfortable and straightforward as possible.

What about long-term care and maintenance?

While liposuction results can be long-lasting, they are best maintained with a healthy lifestyle and consistent care. Many patients often ask, “Does liposuction last forever?” While removed fat cells do not come back, it’s important to remember that the remaining cells can enlarge if your lifestyle does not support your new body shape. The keys to longevity include:

  • Maintaining a stable weight
  • Engaging in regular physical activity
  • Eating a well-balanced diet
  • An ongoing dialogue about lifestyle and body maintenance

Additionally, remember the team at SSK Plastic Surgery is always available to provide tips and strategies for sustaining your new look.

Transform your look with long-lasting liposuction

Your decision to pursue liposuction in Newport Beach, CA, is the first step toward embracing a refined and rejuvenated self. Dr. Sean Kelishadi is dedicated to delivering liposuction results that not only transform your physique but also enhance your overall well-being. If you’re ready to experience the artistry and precision that Dr. Kelishadi offers, reach out to SSK Plastic Surgery to schedule your personal consultation. Let’s take this transformative journey together, paving the way to a confident and contented you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.