Can Neck Lift Surgery Improve Jowls?

By: Dr. Sean Kelishadi, M.D. FACS


Over time, many factors can contribute to the look of sagging or drooping jowls. While this is a normal and expected side effect of the aging process, droopy jowls can make a person look older than they actually are, and some people develop more prominent jowls than others. Not only can heavy jowls add to your age, but they can also make you look upset or even angry, as they tend to exaggerate the down-turning of the outer corners of the mouth. At SSK Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi is committed to helping patients restore both a more youthful look and boosted self-esteem so they can enjoy all that life has to offer with confidence once again. Here, you'll learn more about whether a neck lift, facelift, or another type of facial rejuvenation procedure may be the most appropriate and effective solution for tightening your jowls and creating a smoother jawline once again.

What causes the jowls to start drooping?

There are many factors that can contribute to sagging jowls, which are marked by a lumpy, heavy, baggy look beneath the corners of the mouth, just at the jawline. Some of the primary contributing factors to drooping jowls include:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Gravity
  • A job or habit that requires you to constantly look down
  • Persistent frowning
  • Loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity

While certain cosmetic injectables and nonsurgical treatments and procedures may offer a temporary or subtle improvement in the appearance of sagging jowls, cosmetic surgery is unquestionably one of the most effective solutions for restoring a firmer, more youthful jawline.

Does a neck lift address the jowls?

Neck lift surgery is primarily used to address sagging or hanging neck skin — sometimes known as a turkey neck — along with neck banding and a wrinkled neck. In some cases, a neck lift may also address a portion of the jawline and make some level of improvement in the jowls. Oftentimes, however, Dr. Kelishadi may recommend facelift surgery in Newport Beach — sometimes combined with a neck lift — for the most complete transformation when it comes to reversing descended jowls. During your initial consultation for surgery to correct jowls, Dr. Kelishadi will carefully examine your facial features, assessing various attributes like skin laxity, fat distribution, muscle tone, and others. Based on these findings, Dr. Kelishadi will create a customized surgical plan — whether it be a neck lift, facelift, or a combination facelift plus neck lift — that can most completely address your concerns.

Will jowls come back after cosmetic surgery?

For most patients, facial rejuvenation surgery can produce results that last for years, decades, or even longer. While the aging process will not stop — meaning patients may notice some change in their look over time — the natural side effects of aging are typically less pronounced and slower to progress after cosmetic facial surgery than they would be otherwise. With a healthy lifestyle and healthy habits — like minimizing sun exposure and not smoking — you can help preserve your newly firmed and lifted look for longer.

Make unsightly jowls a thing of the past with Orange County facial rejuvenation surgery

If you're tired of shying away from the camera, social situations, and even the mirror because of your unsightly drooping jowls, we are here to help. For more information about whether a neck lift or facelift in Newport Beach, CA may be the most suitable procedure for addressing your particular signs of facial aging, call SSK Plastic Surgery to schedule your one-on-one consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.