Can Facelift Surgery Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles?

By: Dr. Sean Kelishadi, M.D. FACS


The natural aging process affects the face in numerous ways, but there's no symptom of facial aging more classic than wrinkles. Whether it's fine lines or deep folds, facial wrinkles can be extremely frustrating, add years to your appearance, and be stubborn when it comes to topical products and at-home treatment options. For most people, facelift surgery offers the most compelling and longest-lasting solution for helping to reverse the unwanted signs of facial aging — including lines and wrinkles. At SSK Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi is proud to offer a complete range of facial rejuvenation procedures to help Orange County, CA patients smooth away their unwanted wrinkles and regain their youthful look and confidence once again. Take a closer look at the benefits of Newport Beach facelift surgery for minimizing lines and wrinkles, and find out what exciting results may be possible for you.

What causes facial wrinkles?

Although multifactorial in nature — meaning there are a number of factors that contribute to their development — facial lines and wrinkles are primarily attributed to the natural aging process. Again, however, there are many other variables that can cause, exacerbate, or even speed up the progression of facial aging. Some of the most common causes of facial lines and wrinkles include:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Smoking
  • Diet and lifestyle
  • Sun exposure
  • Poor skin care regimen
  • Repetitive facial expressions and muscle movements, like squinting or drinking through a straw

What's the most effective wrinkle treatment for the face?

For younger men and women, topical products and nonsurgical treatments can help to slow the progression of facial aging and keep lines and wrinkles at bay to some extent. There comes a point in time, however, where almost everyone — regardless of their skin care regimen — will begin to notice visible lines and wrinkles. Once these progress past the point of being controlled with noninvasive solutions, facelift surgery — or another type of facial rejuvenation surgery — can be an excellent next step for dramatically improving and even reversing unwanted lines and wrinkles on the face.

Which type of facelift do I need for wrinkles?

Generally speaking, facelifts and facial enhancement procedures can be tailored to address the various types of wrinkles and lines across the face. The most appropriate type of facelift for each patient will vary based on the nature, severity, location, and other aspects of their particular concerns. For example, patients who are primarily interested in smoothing out lines on the forehead may be candidates for brow lift surgery, while those who would like to address nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth and jowls may be better suited to a mid-facelift or even a full facelift. Because every patient's skin elasticity, facial anatomy, and other features are unique, it is important to schedule a personalized consultation with Dr. Kelishadi, during which he will evaluate all of these factors (and more) before recommending a customized facial rejuvenation plan that helps you achieve a smoother and younger appearance you can feel confident about.

Make wrinkles a thing of the past with a customized facelift in Newport Beach, CA

Getting older doesn't have to mean accepting your unwanted lines and wrinkles. With facial rejuvenation surgery, you can join the many men and women who have virtually turned back the clock by as much as a decade and finally look like the young, vibrant person you feel like on the inside. Start your journey toward reversing your stubborn facial wrinkles by calling SSK Plastic Surgery to schedule your Orange County facelift consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.