Can a Neck Lift Improve the Appearance of a Double Chin?

By: Dr. Sean Kelishadi, M.D. FACS


If you're asking how to get rid of a double chin, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Kelishadi at SSK Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA may have the answer for you. With years of experience, Dr. Kelishadi has helped numerous patients enhance their appearance with a neck lift. As a prominent plastic surgeon, he understands the concerns related to a double chin and offers personalized solutions through surgical options to get rid of a double chin.

What causes a double chin, and how can it be treated?

A double chin can be a frustrating and stubborn issue caused by factors such as aging, genetics, or weight gain. Surgical options to get rid of a double chin are available, and Dr. Kelishadi offers the neck lift in Newport Beach, CA as an effective solution.

How does a neck lift to treat a double chin work?

The neck lift is a specific solution designed to treat a double chin. When performed by a skilled surgeon like Dr. Kelishadi, a neck lift in Newport Beach, CA can provide remarkable results. A neck lift aims to restore the jawline and create a 90-degree angle between the jaw and neck. This procedure allows for the re-draping of loose, sagging skin, providing a more youthful appearance. Dr. Kelishadi also specializes in getting rid of visible "platysmal" bands with a surgical technique called platysmaplasty. For patients with milder cases, liposuction of the neck can also be considered. Through a combination of these techniques, a neck lift can significantly reduce the appearance of a double chin, enhancing the overall contour of the face.

What are the benefits of a neck lift in Newport Beach, CA?

Choosing to undergo a neck lift to treat a double chin offers various benefits, including:

  • Improved jawline contour
  • Enhanced self-confidence
  • Long-lasting, natural-looking results

With the expert care of Dr. Kelishadi and his dedicated team at SSK Plastic Surgery, patients can look forward to a transformation that enhances their overall appearance.

What should you expect after a neck lift?

Recovery from a neck lift in Newport Beach, CA typically involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with medication and proper aftercare. Dr. Kelishadi will provide detailed instructions and follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can return to regular activities within two weeks.

Take the next step toward a neck lift

Are you ready to explore how a neck lift can help you get rid of a double chin? Contact Dr. Sean Kelishadi at SSK Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA to schedule a consultation. With his expertise and commitment to patient satisfaction, you can trust him to guide you through this transformative journey.

Don't let a double chin hold you back. Embrace a more confident you with a neck lift in Newport Beach, CA, performed by Dr. Kelishadi. Call us today to learn more.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.