Asymmetric Durasorb Breast Augmentation
- Age18 - 29
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityHispanic
- HeightUndisclosed
- WeightUndisclosed
- DuraSorb® Breast Augmentation
- 20 year Breast Implant Warrant
- best plastic surgeon in Califo
- Best Plastic Surgeon
- high profile implants
- Dual Plane Breast Aug
- Durasorb mesh
- high profile
- King of Cleavage
- Breast Expert
- best plastic surgeon Newport B
- best plastic surgeon Californi
- internal bra
- Cleavage line
- 415cc
- gummy gel silicone
- gummy bear
- 365cc
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This patient presented with breast size asymmetry which is very common, therefore two different sized implants were used to even out the breast size. Her right breast has a 415cc high profile implant and her left breast has a 365cc high profile implant for the best results. She is extremely happy with her results and loved her experience at SSK Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA.