Newport Beach Labiaplasty Produces a More Aesthetic Female Genitalia
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This is a very pleasant 32 year old mother who felt that her vagina changed in appearance after childbirth. She stated that she had discomfort when wearing tight-fitting clothing, with continuous exercise (such as bicycle riding and running), and with sexual activity. She also stated that she was embarrassed by the "camel toe" appearance of her genitalia when wearing tight or revealing clothing. All over Southern California, and especially Newport Beach, labiaplasty is growing in popularity. We don't hear about it as commonly as other plastic surgery procedures, as this is a more private matter, but the good news is that if excess labia minora tissue is of concern, we have viable solutions. This patient had a dramatic improvement in confidence and appearance only 2 months after our published Posterior Wedge Resection Labiaplasty technique.