Wedge Resection Labiaplasty to Create the Newport Beach Designer Vagina
- Age18 - 29
- GenderFemale
- EthnicityWhite
- HeightUndisclosed
- WeightUndisclosed
- Labiaplasty
- Wedge technique labiaplasty
- Designer Labia
- Enlarged labia minora
- Enlarged inner lips
- Labia Minora Reduction
- clitoral hood reduction
- clitoral hooding
- Designer Vagina
- Hypertrophic Labia Minora
- Enlarged Inner Labia
- Vaginal Rejuvenation
- Asymmetrical Labia Minora
- Large Labia
- Labia Rejuvenation
- labia tightening
- labiaplasty
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This is a 21 year old patient who was very self-conscious about her excess vaginal lip tissue, called labia minora hypertrophy. Her pictures show the dramatic results only 1 month after her labiaplasty procedure done under twilight anesthesia. Her concerns are not uncommonly seen in our Newport Beach Plastic Surgery Office because our area of the country is warm and also attracts people who are quite physically active. The fitness lifestyle goes hand in hand with wearing tighter, revealing clothing during the week and bikinis when near the beach. With labia minora reduction, Orange County residents can wear their clothing of choice without feeling embarrassed about revealing protruding genitalia. Also, many of our clients are avid fitness enthusiasts and like to do outdoor activities like running and bicycle riding. After visiting our conveniently located Orange County Plastic Surgery Office, our clients learn more about how labiaplasty can enhance their Southern California lifestyles.